Austin AMA Blog

Ask Me Anything: Austin AMA Vice President of Communications Stacy Glover - Austin American Marketing Association

Written by Angela Brutsche | Apr 8, 2013 10:34:41 AM

In this series of blog posts titled “Ask Me Anything”, Stacy Glover, who has previously volunteered as website director for AMA discusses her favorite Austin AMA membership benefits and maintaining marketing relevance at her “day job” as Director of Communications for Texas PTA with infometrics.

Q: What prompted you to first volunteer for AMA?

A: I wanted to make connections in my field because I was new to the area, sharpen my current skills and  expand my skill set with new challenges.

Q: What have been one of the best benefits you have found from volunteering for AMA?

A: Most people are willing to help and will give you a chance. The people on AMA are amazing, both in personality and in their own skill set, and will work with you.

Q: What’s an AMA member benefit that many may not know about?

A: Making friends. I know if I were to leave the area or the association today, there are a handful of people that I could still contact professionally and personally. The networking is not just about career advancement.

Q: What do you hope members take away from their interaction with AMA?

A: Know that there is an association out there that can not only help you make connections for your own personal gain and connections that can help in so many ways. While career advancement and opportunities are always a consideration, there are several companies that my current company does business with today simply because I met someone at a luncheon and asked some questions. Membership can work both ways.

Q: What do you like most about AMA?

A: I would have to say board development meetings. It may not count as much for recruiting members unless you take the path to the board in the message but I like the fact that a group of people can sit down, operate as a unit and have so much fun. The organization has goals and has great resources, but it’s all about the people!

Q: What are some communications trends you’ve identified lately?  

A: Infometrics for me, personally, at work. I love, love, love them and think they make marketing analytics much easier to understand … and pretty. I’m incorporating them into everything I can, including our new annual report! Depending on your market – and mine is 20-40 year old parents – you have to evolve in your marketing efforts to maintain relevancy. For us, it is really evaluating our web and email strategy (web is information and reference, email is up-to-date relevant information) and segmenting our social media strategy. Our association is focused on advocacy for children and education. When the legislature was not in session, we added a legislative Facebook page that focused solely on educational legislative efforts. I believe focusing on what your members tell you is important is key. So many companies do not do this and think they know what their members want. Member benefits and discounts are ok but we find that a survey on school safety gets far more hits than an email about a Six Flags discount. Our age group of parents care far less about “joining” an organization than they do about participating in something that affects their kid and their school in their school district. Maintaining that focus is crucial.

Q: What’s the best advice you ever got?

A: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Seriously. If you are confident in your abilities and know that some things (because it will never be all) you do make a difference, don’t sweat the small stuff.

Connect with Stacy through email, Facebook and LinkedIn.