Thanks to all who came out to Austin AMA’s happy hour at B.D. Riley’s Irish Pub & Restaurant on Aug. 20 to hear Steve Basile discuss the importance of word-of-mouth marketing and brand evangelism. Everyone seemed to have fun reconnecting, expanding their respective networks and learning from Steve!

Steve Basile, B.D. Riley’s Irish Pub & Restaurant
- B.D. Riley’s potato skins, Irish-style nachos and chicken tenders, courtesy of Steve!
- Steve’s explanation of why brand evangelism is an essential marketing focus for multibillion dollar organizations as well as local businesses to effectively build a following—that is, without brand evangelists, it’s difficult for a brand’s message to scale and be heard.
- History of B.D. Riley’s and how authenticity and target audience has helped grow the restaurant’s brand.
- Austin AMA’s Dallas Richard helping grow the group by presenting an AMA overview
Huge shout out to Steve for hosting/speaking and special thanks to Austin AMA volunteers Jane Kovacs, Michael Bogart and Ann Taylor for organizing the event.
And for more great programming, don’t miss the chapter’s next event on Sept. 17, Rethinking Chaos: Inspire Innovation For Yourself And Your Clients with featured speaker Bill Gardner, founder and managing partner of Noetic Outcomes Consulting.
Post by
Angela Brutsche
August 28, 2015
August 28, 2015