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Today's job market is rapidly evolving and stiffer than ever. A strategic and proactive approach is critical to successful career progression. In AMA’s September Power Hour "Career Progression 101: How to Start or Advance Your Career in Marketing," panelists Yvonne Lillis, talent advisor at Salesforce, and Jean Orrison, senior consultant talent acquisition at SNH Capital Partners, spoke with Texas State marketing professor and CFO Enrique Becerra to share their experienced recruiting perspective on how candidates can set themselves apart.

“It’s a tough time to be a job seeker… and that’s not necessarily a negative.”

With slow hiring and layoffs affecting many industries, including marketing, adopting a diversified approach to job seeking is crucial. While this time is challenging, Lillis and Orrison emphasized that it doesn’t have to be a despondent situation. Instead, it presents an opportunity to stand out in a competitive market.

Distinguishing Yourself

When opportunities may be limited, distinguishing yourself is more important than ever. The speakers stressed the importance of perfecting your story. A well-crafted resume, an optimized LinkedIn profile, and a strong portfolio each serve their own purpose in fleshing it out. These elements are your digital front door and your first impression to potential employers. And if you're feeling anything less than confident, that is completely normal. However, your feelings of uncertainty will shine through - take a deep breath, and start by reflecting.

Perfecting Your Story

Your resume is your “what”; what is your “why”? What are your strengths, your passions, your motivation and goals? Take the time to craft a compelling narrative about your career journey, skills, and aspirations. Once you’ve developed an idea of yourself, you now have a story to better communicate who you are on LinkedIn and in your introductions and interviews. Consequently, you’ll also gain a better understanding of what companies and roles you’re drawn to. Culture fit is a two-way street, so take the opportunity to explore your brand and how you can communicate it so that you match with the roles where you’ll shine. 

Now What: What to Do

1. Networking Strategies

You have to network. Start by identifying your top five target companies (and why they spark your passion). Then, utilize LinkedIn to connect with professionals in those organizations. Reach out with the intention of building genuine connections rather than just adding contacts. You can also expand your exposure to connections and opportunities by joining relevant networking groups and engaging in industry discussions.

2. Job Search as a Project

Now that you’ve laid the foundation for your story and are getting out there networking, try treating your job search as a full-time project:

  • Be organized and detail-oriented in your approach.
  • Set specific goals and timelines.
  • If initial attempts don't yield results at one place, try again at another.
  • Determine and maintain soft metrics to track progress.
  • Take breaks. Life is still good, and a negative attitude shows. Taking care of yourself is not only healthy for you, but also allows you to continue putting your best foot forward.

3. Interview Preparation

Practice makes perfect, and it never hurts to ask for help. Seek out friends and mentors you trust to do mock interviews where you can comfortably make mistakes and learn.

  • Prepare a strong "elevator pitch" that highlights your value and experience.
  • Research the company thoroughly and prepare thoughtful questions.
    Be ready to discuss relevant metrics and achievements 
    • Tip: Try the CAR response method—Context, Action, Result to get your answers clear and concise.
  • Understand and be prepared to discuss the position description in detail.
  • Conduct multiple mock interviews to get more confident with your responses.

Now What: What NOT to Do

  • Don’t use an unprofessional profile picture. (Tip: Instagram filters are not recommended)
  • Don’t use an unprofessional personal email for correspondence. (Tip: Create a separate email domain just for the job search)
  • Don’t use a weak LinkedIn headline. (Tip: Your headline should describe YOU and your skills; not just list your current job title.)
  • Don’t forget to include keywords from job descriptions in your applications.
  • Don’t forget to send cover letters and thank you emails.

Your Job Search Resources


Purposeful, effective job-seeking is important for professionals at all stages of their careers. The key message from our talk was clear: in today's competitive job market, a proactive and personalized approach to the job search is essential. By focusing on your unique story, building meaningful connections, and maintaining a professional and adaptable attitude, you can confidently and successfully navigate your marketing career path.

Remember, career progression is not just about finding a job; it's about building a fulfilling professional journey that aligns with your goals and values. Stay curious, keep learning, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Your next great opportunity in marketing could be just around the corner!

Sammy Medved
Post by Sammy Medved
October 11, 2024
